
Logged in you can make a note at each device type and save it at the device type.



producer price index

You can change the producer price index by selecting the desired year. By selecting it, the average new values are recalculated in all unit sizes and their derived values. Information about the average new value can be found in the basic information in chapter 5.




Enter the parameter to be interpolated into the first field. The primary characteristic quantity is always the first column after the device size key.

Choose a size between the smallest and the largest characteristic quantity. The interpolated row is displayed in the table.

In the second field a suggestion for a device size key is automatically displayed, if it can be derived from the primary characteristic quantity. If it cannot be derived, enter it individually and confirm your entry again by clicking "calculate".



Specify additional equipment and devices

By marking a device size in the first column of the device size table, you can display the additional equipment and devices valid for this size. The key of the ZA and ZG is automatically adjusted to the selected device size.

Please note that you can only add additional equipment and devices to "My Devices" if you have saved the assigned device size before.

You can click on "Reset selection" to display all additional equipment and devices again.



Time value of construction equipment

On the My Devices page, you can calculate a time value for your saved device types. To do so, enter the technical condition and the year of construction of the device as well as the desired time of calculation of the current value in the form MM.YYYY in the two fields. The values necessary for the calculation will be determined accordingly. Information on the formula can be found in "Chapter 10. Time value of construction equipment" in the Basic Information.

Important: Time value can be calculated back till the year of construction 1971.

Please note that the producer price index set via the select box on the page is not relevant for the calculation of the time value.

Basic information and hints


1. General remarks

1.1. Contents and application

The construction equipment register (BGL) contains a listing of the current types of construction machines and construction equipment (briefly referred to as "equipment") required for the performance of construction work and for the installation of construction sites.

The Construction Equipment Register (BGL) does not include construction site equipment and tools. For systematic details in this respect, the reader is for Germany referred to the "Baustellenausstattungs- und Werkzeugliste" BAL (Bauverlag, Gütersloh, 2001) and for Austria to the "Baustellenausstattungs-, Material - und Werkzeugliste [Site Equipment, Materials And Tools List] (VIB List) of VIBÖ from 2002.

The Construction Equipment Register (BGL) does not mention brand names and type designations. The individual items contain a description of the technical and economic average values supplemented by technical explanations regarding the construction and the equipment as well as the operational use of the item.

The construction machinery and equipment listed complies with the requirements of the laws and regulations in force at the time of publication.

For selected equipment types, the BGL 2020 provides information on wear parts which is intended as a guideline for the proper distinction between repair costs and other necessary expenses within the scope of the overall equipment costs in conjunction with the replacement of wear parts for which the costs are not included in the repair cost rates.

The present BGL 2020 has been revised by retaining its structure already harmonized (EUROLISTE) on the European level and by taking into account the technical progress, new and updated regulatory codes and changes in the European economic environment. Where useful and necessary, new types of equipment and contents have been added and corresponding changes made.

The Construction equipment register (BGL) is used especially for the following purposes:

  • as a basis for in-house accounting and intra-company calculation of construction equipment provisioning costs, e.g. between the machine management department and the construction site or between joint ventures and their individual partners or participants;
  • as a basis for the organization and management of equipment;
  • as an aid for the evaluation of equipment and machinery costs, especially in profitability compari­sons;
  • as an aid for the planning of operations and progress scheduling with regard to the selection and assessment of machinery and equipment conditions of use;
  • as an aid for investment planning, preparation of balance sheets and tax assessment;
  • as an evaluation aid in insurance cases, expert's reports and in court decisions.

1.2. Supplementary remarks to the present ver-sion and to the EUROLISTE

With the 2020 edition, the data of the Construction Equipment Register BGL and the Austrian Construction Equipment Register ÖBGL will be combined in a joint publication. The few differences in content that still exist due to some national specificities (e.g. laws, standards) will be directly addressed in the respective contents.

The core data of BGL 2020 are at the same time also the master data of the EUROLISTE and thus the basis for a Europe-wide database permitting to generate in future also further country-specific versions by taking national particularities into account. The further development of an integrated European all-in-one solution will facilitate the exchange of data to a considerable extent and thus contribute to enhancing the coherence of project-related workflows between construction partners. This is especially true for contacts with building partners of foreign countries and in transnational joint ventures where a more efficient and hence more economical collaboration in the field of construction machinery and equipment management can be expected. To promote this approach, the online version will also be published in the English language.

The BGL 2020 is available in print format (book), in a structured file format (CSV file) and also online via this Internet portal.

The data listed in the book version of the BGL 2020 represent the data status in the 2020 processing period. The online version will be updated as required.

The average original values listed in the book have the price basis 2020. The arithmetical reference to the statistical base year valid at the time of publication of BGL 2020 is established via the producer price index for construction machinery published in Germany (see section 5.2).

2. Classification & Numbering

2.1. Equipment code

The BGL 2020 is divided into 21 equipment main groups with each group being designated by a single letter of the alphabet.

The main groups are further subdivided into equipment groups, equipment subgroups and equipment types, each marked by a single additional figure.

Identical equipment types are characterized by the same design and range of application. Cross-referencing is used if a piece of equipment is listed in more than one group.

In order to describe the equipment size within the equipment type for the purpose of obtaining a distinct classification, the data of one or possibly of two technical parameters are used and indicated with 4 additional digits (see sub-section 3.2).


C EQUIPMENT MAIN GROUP hoisting and lifting equipment